Sailing Vessel Prism

Change of Plans Due to the Lack of Money


The harsh realization of having no money

Sitting in our perfect “ready to go anywhere boat,” Jon and I realized that we in fact, cannot go anywhere. Not this season at least. After our year of hard work and no play, we ended up spending all our money to make Prism just how we wanted her and now literally cannot afford to sail off into the sunset again. This is one of those times that I wish the rumors were true and that we were just two rich kids living off mommy and daddy’s money.  

It was after we spent yet another wonderful Thanksgiving with our friends here in Oriental that we decided that we should not depart the states this winter season.  Yes, we could have done it, and hopefully had found work along the way, or started our videos back up to help cover the cost, but we did not feel comfortable having so little in the kitty. It took Jon a few days to swallow the reality pill I had given him, but in the end he saw it too. We needed to stay stateside and make some money.


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The New Plan

Well, we are not pushing off for Panama, but we still want to get further south to get away from the cold.  I (Shannon) feel the need to get back in the water ASAP, so I think Key West is our new destination for this winter.

During our time in Oriental, we started to do a deep dive in what it is like to anchor out near Key West. Little did we know that spending a winter season near Key West is also what everyone else on the entire east coast wants to do as well.  Thus, apparently leading to crazy anchorage rules, high mooring fees and just plain annoyance when it comes to anchoring in popular places.

Okay so maybe Key West is not where we want to go…. but we still want to be far enough south to be warm.  Maybe just outside of Palm Beach will be nice? Maybe we can get a a few jobs down there? I can wait tables and Jon can work on boats. Yes, that sounds like a perfect plan. 

First we must wait for the right weather window and get a few last minute projects done aboard Prism before heading offshore.

Sitting Pretty in Oriental Harbor

Once a spot opened on the free dock we swooped in to be front and center. These free docks are great and are in the perfect location. Jon and I walked down to the Provision Co. picked up 2 of the free bikes they let people use and headed down to the Piggly Wiggly to get some food.

Project Progress

While we were waiting for the right weather window to head offshore we installed our new Lithium Batteries ( more about that on a different post), we made baggie wrinkles with local help, (Thanks Steve and Shelby) took apart our dodgers and started to actually put things away. Oh! and we installed our new AIS VHF radio. Our main VHF aboard Prism is located at the nav station which is a pain in the ass when you need to be at the helm and be on the radio at the same time, or when someone is on their off watch and the radio static blares on  waking you from your blissful off watch slumber. So we installed this secondary VHF with AIS (receive only) where our old chart-plotter used to be on the turtle shell.

The Waiting Game

Okay so waiting for the right weather window is proving to take longer than we thought. Sure we could take the ICW all the way down, but nothing about that sounded like fun to Jon or I. So while we waited and between the bike rides, the walking, the talking and the projects we would also go on some great dinghy  rides thought the different creeks that surround Oriental. 

Sky pictures from Oriental

That is the Plan for Now

Once we are further south and can breath for a minute or two, then we will really think about what is next.

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